Sunday, January 30, 2011


Please use the comment box to introduce your self to the astroBITS group. The course material can be found at Also check


  1. I am a teacher at Mcclintock high school in Tempe, AZ. I teach physics and chem/physics(9th grade). I also teach at both Gateway and Chandler/Gilbert community colleges.

  2. I’ve worked with Katy Garmany on the astrobits teacher workshops for the last four years. This is the sixth cohort for the online course. Welcome everyone who has made it to the blog. I look after the blog. If you have any tech problems; using excel, making a screen print, downloading images, email of phone me. If you spot an error in the course material, contact me. During the course, you will be asked for screen shots. Email them to me. 

Some information about me. I was born in New Zealand, grew up in England, taught in Antigua and have lived in Tucson for the last 12 years. My first degree is in Chemistry and my masters is in Special Education. I teach Chemistry, Physics and Integrated Science at Howenstine High School in TUSD. Six years ago I was asked to teach Earth Science. Back then you didn’t need to be highly qualified. The textbook was dry and I needed to find out more. I took 2 courses in Geographical Information Systems one summer with an emphasis on student research. The following summer, I took an astronomy course with Katy. I took a version of the online course that you are going to take. In the 0.9m telescope on Kitt peak, I asked Katy about this mysterious HR diagram and from that developed an online project; open clusters, my students’ science fair project, a NASA grant to find red shifted galaxies on the edge of our universe and much more. Last summer, I went to Alaska to learn about Heliophysics and to Chicago to learn about Epsilon Aurigae. By using Astronomy in my science classes, I motivate my students. I wrap the integrated science curriculum around Astronomy, making it a lot more interesting.

  3. Like Chris, I also started with a degree in chemistry but fell in love with physics pretty quickly (fewer holes in my clothes, for one thing!). So I've been teaching, mostly physics, for 26 years - the last 16 at Chaparral High School in Scottsdale AZ. The learning curve for astonomy will be pretty steep for me in this class, but stretching is good, right?!

  4. Hello Everyone, my name is Marilou Areno I am a special education teacher at DishchiiBikoh (cibecue) High School. As a special education teacher I teach most of the subjects(such as Math, Reading, Biology, Earth Science and other core subjects) to support my students with special needs. I was a teacher in the Philippines for 18 years before I came to start teaching in the US in 2006. I always take every opportunity to acquire further knowledge that I believe will be interesting to share to my students. This is an exciting experience for me.

  5. Hi there,

    I'm Engr Reny Orea. I am the Head of the Mathematics Department of Alchesay HS. I used to be a Principal for 8 years before I become Math Teacher. This course will help me enhance my scientific and mathematics skills.

  6. Hello,

    Bob Fioravante here. I'm a 5th grade teacher and entrepreneur. I'm looking forward to taking this class and honing my science skills in the process.

  7. Hi, I'm Katy Garmany. I’m the PI for the grant that supports this program, and as Chris already said, he and I have been working together for several years. My background: I spent years as a research astronomer studying very massive stars and how they form and evolve, then I morphed into astronomy education, first as a planetarium director in Boulder CO, then I moved to Tucson about 10 years ago. I ran an undergrad astronomy program at the Biosphere for a few years, then moved to NOAO, National Optical Astronomy Observatory (that’s the organization that runs Kitt Peak, not to be confused with NOAA!). I'm really interested in finding ways to help science teachers: astronomy seems (to me, anyway) a natural hook, and it also is an easy path to including math in the science class. While we have specific tech tools we want to introduce to you, I hope you will feel free to raise other astronomy questions, and I'll do my best to answer them so we can explore together. Chris handles this blog, but I’m reading it, and I’ll answer questions as well. So feel free to ask questions of both of us!

  8. My name is Dr. Johann Ngo. I am a Science teacher in Alchesay High School. I teach Biology and Environmental Science. Thank you for this opportunity to enhance my knowledge and help my students love Science.

  9. Hi, I'm Rebekkah Diamond. I teach chemistry at Canyon del Oro High School in Tucson. This is my first year teaching, but so far, so good! I'm VERY excited to participate in this program. I've always loved astronomy and hope that I can teach it someday.

  10. Hello-
    I'm Josie Strahle. I teach chemistry at Sahuaro High School. Like you guys, I love astronomy. The UA Science Lecture series has been awesome this year! I'm looking forward to this class!

  11. Hi all,
    My name is Duane DeSpain and I have taught science at Safford High School for 12 years. My subjects differ from year to year, this year I have 1 physics class, 1 human anatomy, 3 chemistry and 1 Algebra 3 course. I have not used or taught astronomy in my courses for about 6 years. We have a few small scopes for class use and I usually break them out during the light-mirrors-&-lenses portion of physics. I hope this class will equip me with more tools to broaden the scope of my teaching, especially in physics.

    I am really looking forward to time at Kitt Peak (I haven't been since I was a youth). Our community is located at the base of Mt. Graham, the site of a few really awesome scopes that I would like to take my class to visit this summer. With more astronomy in my curriculum the trip will be justified I am sure.

  12. Adrienne Hestenes here. I currently teach AP Calculus, Honors Analysis, and Astronomy at Xavier College Prep in Phoenix, which is an all girls school. In a previous life I was an astronomy T.A. at the Biosphere during a summer program in 2000, although I don't think I ever met Katy. I'm looking forward to learning some image processing techniques and ways to bring more projects into the classroom.

  13. Hello! I'm Jan Spell and I teach geometry, chemistry and physics at St. Augustine Catholic High School in Tucson. This is my seventh year teaching (third at SACHS). Teaching is my second career. I was a chemical/environmental engineer in my former life.

    This sounds like a lot of funa dn I'm happy to be here!

  14. Hello! I'm Beatriz Laurente, a Special Educ. Teacher at Alchesay High School, Whiteriver Unified School District. I teach 12th grade in a Learning Lab class where students get support for them to become successful in all their classes. Most of my seniors this year have Science class and it is interesting that we're starting inclusion. This is my 16th year in the teaching field. I'm so glad to be part of this program. This will be a great contribution in inculcating Scientific awareness to my students particularly Astronomy at the same time for my professional growth...

  15. From John Webster
    Greetings everyone! My name is John Webster and I am the Physics/Earth Science Teacher at Flowing Wells High School. I’ve been teaching there for 9 years. Before that I was a substitute teacher in the Amphitheater and Marana school districts for 2 years while I was going back to school to get my teaching degree. Like another member in our group, teaching is my second career. Prior to this I was a naval officer for 24 years before retiring to the desert in 1998. As an Oceanography major in college, I found that my weakest area in teaching my Earth Science classes was the Astronomy chapters. I’m looking forward to learning more about astronomy in this course to help me teach this science that my students really enjoy learning about.

  16. My name is James Little and I am joining from a previous cohort to finish up the middle and end astrobits modules. I'm a sometimes chemistry, physics, and math teacher and am currently teaching a year of chemistry, physics, and AP physics B. I've enjoyed looking at the astrobits modules, they're good introductions to astronomy, especially fundementals like Wiens law. I'm looking forward to finishing up them with this cohort.
